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Mortgage Modification


A recent New York Times article indicates that the national mortgage settlement could have done more to assist homeowners seeking to retain their property.

Click here to view the full article.

If you are struggling with your mortgage payments, are already in default, and/or have been served with a foreclosure lawsuit, contact us today.  There are options available to help you with your home retention or liquidation goals in Connecticut.

Avoidance is not the answer. A judgment of foreclosure will negatively affect your credit score for many years to come. We can help you tackle the issue head on and identify a way forward that meets your goals.

What to bring to the initial consult:

1) Your note and mortgage

2) Most recent copy of your monthly mortgage statement

3) Any letters received from your lender and/or their attorneys

4) Most recent one month of paystubs if W-2 employee (4 if paid weekly, 2 if paid biweekly)

5) Year to date profit and loss statements if self-employed

6) 2011 and 2012 tax returns

7) A synopsis of your hardship

8) Most recent two months bank statements for all bank accounts

9) Lease agreements for all tenants

10) Award letter if receiving social security benefits or other entitlements

11) Copy of your divorce decree and quit claim deed