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Court Visitation Program – Contact The CBA At Ctbar.Org To Schedule A Tour!


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Connecticut Court Visitation Program

Information and excerpt taken from the Connecticut Bar Association Website at:
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The Connecticut Bar Association organizes court tours in GA (Geographical Area) courts for middle and high school students statewide.

The CBA relies on our volunteer attorneys to guide the class through the tour, explaining court procedures and introducing court personnel. Students may observe the lock-up and sit in a courtroom to observe an arraignment session, civil or criminal trial or other court proceedings. Generally, they will be addressed by the judge during recess. The tour is then followed up with a question and answer session. Additionally, the CBA may call on their volunteer attorneys to visit with students in their classrooms.

“Since its inception in 1980, the Connecticut Court Visitation Program has become a standard part of the curriculum in many schools in the state and over 86,000 students from public and private middle schools and high schools throughout the state have participated in the program.” Superior Court Judge Seymour L. Hendel, chair of the court Visitation Program Committee stated. This past year over 2500 students took 70 tours in our court houses.

Please contact Bill Chapman at or (860)612-2004.

The Connecticut Court Visitation Program is co-sponsored by the Connecticut Bar Association, Connecticut Judges Association, and the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
