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The Benefits of Family Law Mediation in Shelton CT


Constant arguing and blaming in a marriage often becomes a vicious cycle of ongoing marital strife. If this negative cycle of relationship drama continues, it can result in protracted and costly divorce litigation, as well as serious emotional damage to the entire family. When a family is trapped in this type of unfortunate circumstance, but they want to remain an intact family, it may be beneficial to consider seeking family law mediation in Shelton CT.  Though the mediator will not be assisting the parties in a mental health type capacity, the mediator can assist the parties at working out issues between them by communicating their needs and reaching points of resolution to address same.

Many marriages face daily disputes regarding everyday matters like chores, not consulting with the other before plans are made, management of finances, etc. – a lot of these disputes can be resolved utilizing effective communication in the presence of a family mediator. For example, if disputes arise over maintaining the marital home and family budgeting, a calendar of whom is responsible to do what chores and when can be created; a budget can be devised indicating whom is to pay what bill and when, and how much will be placed in savings each month; rules for communicating and arranging the family’s social calendar can be detailed; even what menu will be offered for dinner on what nights and whom is to cook or clean.  When a family’s goals and household rules are laid out in this manner, it helps to keep disputes from arising on a daily basis as each person is aware of what their obligation is.  Another positive take away is that during the family law mediation process, parties learn how to effectively communicate with each other, so that when issues arise in the future, they can talk about them and resolve them in an amicable manner.

If the marriage has irretrievably broken down despite both spouses’ attempts at working to remain an intact family, and divorce is the only option left, and the divorcing spouses have children of any age, parties need to understand that they must consider more than just reaching an outcome on financial and legal issues – the parties will have a relationship with one another as co-parents even after the divorce is final.  Their relationship as co-parents will be tested time and time again at soccer games, recitals, birthday parties, graduations, weddings, funerals and other important life events that will require them to have some contact with one another.  Learning how to communicate effectively with a co-parent is key in ensuring a peaceful existence for the adults and the children during and post-divorce.  Family law mediation can help parties learn positive and effective communication skills.  Even in circumstances where divorcing couples do not have any children, family law mediation is still helpful in assisting parties in ending a marriage in the most healthy and amicable manner possible.

Parties who have tried to communicate with each other before but were unable to do so in a positive and constructive way, find family law mediation helpful so they can communicate with one another without the exchange of blaming, denigrating or derogatory comments that are not helpful nor productive. An experienced family mediator focuses on improving understanding and communication between the parties while addressing each item in dispute. When the disputing parties feel they are understood and heard, the process of resolving differences can begin.
