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Getting Organized For Divorce


A divorce is an emotional, stressful, and exhausting time in a couple’s life.  The dissolution of marriage, when paired with attempting to understand the legal process of a divorce, is overwhelming and confusing for most individuals.  Although this is a difficult time, each party must try to set emotions aside and prepare for each phase of the divorce process.

In any divorce, there are a number of issues that must be resolved.  Assets and debts, personal and real property must be divided, and custody and visitation with the couple’s children must be arranged.  Lots of decisions need to be made before a divorce can be finalized.

You need information in order to make decisions.  The parties must provide financial information to each other.  Each party should obtain current records of bank account statements, retirement accounts, property values, salary information, stocks and other financial product valuations, and other sources of income.  Similarly, the parties should provide copies of their debts, such as student loans, mortgage information, outstanding credit card bills, and other amounts that are owed.

Each party must also consider the claims and defenses in the case and prepare accordingly.  Making statements about your spouse’s conduct without something more may not be enough – you should provide your attorney with any and all evidence to support your statement, such as Facebook posts, text messages, phone records, photos, emails, and any other items that can be offered as proof.

The parties should also make note of significant events in their marriage that led to the divorce.  Such factors may be considered throughout the case.   It’s important to write out a detailed narrative of the history of your marriage and provide same to your attorney, who can review and look for facts and issues to help your case.
