Most individuals dread the thought of going to court. If you are involved in divorce litigation in Connecticut, you have probably been informed that, if you and your spouse cannot resolve the issues in your case, you will have to go to trial and a Judge will decide them for you. The judge may issue a ruling that you like, or the judge may issue a ruling that leaves you confused and frustrated.
For these reasons, many Connecticut couples choose to mediate. During divorce mediation, the parties work with a neutral, a mediator, to create a settlement agreement. In fact, the entire goal of mediation is to settle the case. Therefore, it is important that the parties know what they want at the end of the divorce.
To prepare for mediation, you should think about how you would like each issue resolved. How do you want your property divided? Do you want to stay in the marital home or sell it? How do you envision time-sharing with your children? What will you do if you or your spouse relocates?
As you approach mediation, keep a list of these concerns and goals with you. Collect any documentation that supports your claims so that you may show them to the mediator. The mediator will make sure that your concerns are taken into consideration when helping you craft a divorce settlement agreement, but you must be prepared to tell the mediator what those concerns are.
We Serve Clients in Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Alimony, Same Sex Marriage, Legal Separation, Mediation, Modification, Contempt, and Post-Judgment Matters.
Serving Ansonia, Milford, Waterbury, Bridgeport, Fairfield, New Haven, Stamford, Connecticut