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Children’s Bill of Rights in Divorce


We the children of divorcing parents, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish these Bill Of Rights for all children.

The right not to be asked or expected to choose sides or be put in a situation where I would have to take one parent’s side against the other.

The right to be treated as a person and not as a pawn, possession or negotiating chip.

The right to freely and privately communicate with both parents.

The right not to be asked questions by one parent about the other.

The right to not be a messenger.

The right to express my feelings.

The right to ample visitation with the non-custodial parent which will best serve my needs and wishes.

The right to love and have a relationship with both parents equally and with both sets of relatives equally, without being made to feel guilty.

The right to not hear either parent say anything bad about the other.

The right to the same educational opportunities and economic support, if at all possible that I would have had if my parents did not divorce.

The right to take my possessions freely between both parents’ households.

The right to have what is in my best interest protected at all times.

The right to maintain my status as a child and not be expected to take on adult responsibilities for the sake of the parent’s well-being.

The right to request my parents seek appropriate emotional and social support for me and them when needed.

The right to expect consistent parenting at a time when little in my life seems constant or secure.

The right to expect healthy relationship modeling, despite the recent events.

Note: Excerpt taken from  The above listed bill of rights is not law, but rather goals all parents experiencing divorce should strive for in ensuring the best interests of their children are maintained. – See more at: