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Divorce Lawyer in Shelton CT Explores Winter Parenting Plan Options


A long Connecticut winter means that there is more opportunity for disagreements regarding children.  A divorce lawyer in Shelton Connecticut may be called to help work out temporary arrangements during the holiday season.  A divorce lawyer in Shelton Connecticut can also help his or her clients by representing them in mediation.  Some considerations include:

Winter Break Split

During the winter break, it is likely that the parties will divide the break up in some manner.  This may include giving one parent the first half of the break and the other parent the second half.  However, there may be other arrangements that make more sense for a family.  For example, if a parent is involved in seasonal business during this time, he or she may prefer to forego this break for more time during other parts of the year.  The parents should consider various arrangements that may work and be sure to include clear language in any agreement so that misunderstandings can be avoided.


A central consideration is how to split the holidays.  Some orders give one parent Christmas Eve and the other Christmas day.  Others may give one parent both days and the other parent the same days the next year.  Similar considerations exist for other winter holidays, such as Hanukkah.

Family Traditions

During a divorce, it is important to maintain family traditions as much as possible.  Even though the parents may not be together any more, there may still be ways to maintain such traditions, such as writing letters to Santa, building gingerbread houses, or waking up early to open presents Christmas morning.
