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Family Law Mediator in Shelton CT Addresses Best Interests of the Child


A family law mediator in Shelton Connecticut can explain that when the judge considers and renders custody decisions, he or she bases the decision on what is in the best interests of the child.  However, judges are often limited in how well they are acquainted with a case by virtue of the many cases in front of them.  Parents are usually in a much better position to know what is best for their children.  Through the assistance of a family law mediator in Shelton Connecticut parents can often design a parenting plan to help raise their children in a cooperative and conscientious manner.

A parenting plan will address which parent will be responsible for making important decisions regarding the child.  In many cases, parents may agree that they should both have this role.  However, a mediation agreement may address which parent may have a tie breaker role if the parents reach an impasse.

During mediation, parents can also discuss things that are important to the child, such as school, extracurricular activities, friends and other aspects of his or her life.  The parents can work together to form an integrated plan around these life factors.  In mediation, parents may also list their own priorities including careers, community activities, educational pursuits and hobbies to try to match up their lists and develop a parenting plan that meets the needs of everyone in the family.
