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Family Law Mediator In Shelton CT Explains How To De-Escalate Conflict


During a meeting with a family law mediator in Shelton Connecticut, there may come a time when things get heated.  After all, these cases often involve children and very sensitive family topics.  When a family law mediator in Shelton Connecticut gets to a point where conflict has escalated, there are steps that he or she can take to de-escalate it, such as:

Actively Listening

Experienced mediators know that sometimes when a person feels like he or she has not been heard, he or she may not want to listen to anyone else’s point of view.  A mediator can ensure that both parties receive respect and consideration.  He or she may employ active listening skills, such as repeating what the person said, acknowledging statements and rephrasing statements.  This process also helps the mediator have a better grasp on what each person is communicating and attempting to achieve.

Ground Rules

The mediator may need to remind the participants of the ground rules, such as not interrupting each other when the other is speaking and only talking in a respectful manner.  Sometimes the mediator may ask the participants only to address comments to him or her instead of each other.

Emphasis on Peaceful Negotiation

A participant may be better encouraged to negotiation in a peaceful manner when collaboration and compromise are emphasized.  The mediator may use a facilitative approach in order to unearth the person’s real interests and needs in order to move the parties toward a resolution of their case.
