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Decisions A Divorce Mediator In Westport CT Can Help Sort Out


A divorce mediator in Westport CT often takes a holistic approach to the ending of a marriage. A divorce mediator in Westport CT can help parties reach decisions regarding important issues such as:

Visitation Time

A mediator can talk through the potential options regarding visitation time. This is one area that parties often expand on. The parties are often able to come up with an agreement that provides much more visitation time with the non-custodial parent than acourt determined schedule provides.

Holiday Plans

The parties can reach an agreement regarding how holidays will be treated. The parties may agree to alternate holidays, split up time on holiday breaks, maintain the same holidays each year or come up with some other arrangement that provides for the parties’ specific needs related to holiday plans.

Medical Plans

The mediation agreement may set out information regarding the child’s medical needs. It may include provisions requiring health insurance and how medical expenses will be divided. It may also include a clause on which parent will have the final decision making authority.


The mediator may help the parties reach important decisions regarding their property through dedicated time on the subject. The mediator can keep the parties aware of the laws that concern property division while guiding them to reach their own resolution. A mediator may be able to get the parties to separate the sentimental value of certain assets from the monetary value.
