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Divorce Mediator In Bridgeport CT: Financial Mistakes To Avoid After Divorce


A divorce mediator in Bridgeport Connecticut will work with both parties during the mediation process to try to guide them toward a resolution that will work for both of their needs.  He or she can provide information on the potential financial effects of divorce and may offer recommendations to effectuate the stated interests of the parties.  One common goal of parties who use a divorce mediator in Bridgeport Connecticut is for the parties not to have to return to litigate their case for post-divorce relief.  By making informed financial decisions and avoiding the mistakes discussed below, this goal can often be accomplished.

Not Planning on How to Use Spousal Support

During mediation, a mediator may discuss the goals of spousal support, such as to provide financial assistance while a spouse returns to get a college degree or job training or being able to afford new living accommodations.  Failing to plan how to use this money wisely can leave the recipient spouse in a dire position and prevent him/her from being able to become financially independent.

Staying with a House You Can’t Afford

Some spouses choose to keep the family home.  This can cause issues if the spouse is not able to make the mortgage payments and pay for upkeep.  The better option may be to sell the family home and downsize.  A mediator can discuss the parameters – obligations, advantages, disadvantages – of each options the parties present openly to helpthem make informed decisions.
