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How Can A Divorce Mediator In Westport CT Help You?


A divorce mediator in Westport Connecticut is an impartial individual who helps parties work together to come up with a mutually-satisfactory agreement.   The mediator assists the parties in talking through issues so that they can move toward an amicable resolution of their case.   A divorce mediator in Westport Connecticut can explain that mediation is a voluntary process and that he or she does not and cannot force the parties to agree to anything.   Some of the issues that a mediator can help resolve include:

Property Division

Mediators can often help parties deal with issues related to dividing their property and debts.   They can explore the interests of both parties and understand where they are coming from.   They can help the parties devise fair ways of evaluating their property and determining how to split it.   This may take into consideration the needs of the parties, the emotional attachment to property and the value of the property.

Child Custody

Mediators can also help with child custody matters.   Mediators can get the parties to focus on the needs of the child as an aligned interest between the parties.   They can help the parties work out arrangements regarding the timing of when the child will visit the parents and how they can effectively co-parent.


Mediators can also address spousal support and child support matters.   They can discuss what the law says on these issues and ways parties may wish to reach their own agreement.   This may include transferring property in lieu of support or containing provisions in an agreement about extraordinary expenses.
