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Advice From A Shelton Divorce Lawyer


Is my divorce lawyer my new best friend?

Most lawyers, by nature and by training, are outgoing, affable, gregarious people who are excellent listeners. They tend to know all the movers and shakers in the community: journalists, politicians, and important business people. The overwhelming majority are well-read, well-spoken and well-dressed. What’s not to like?

It would be foolish to deny the excellent qualities of lawyers, but clients should not expect their divorce lawyers to be their new best friends. Going through a divorce is an emotionally draining experience for anyone, and friends or relatives you were once close to may take your spouse’s side leaving you with less of a support system than you anticipated.  The relationship with your lawyer is special – he/she has a duty to serve your best interests within the bounds of the law and within the scope of his/her engagement, and to listen and keep confidential what you discuss – its natural to feel that you can talk to him/her about anything and everything.

However, your lawyer is not an appropriate sounding board for all the complaints (valid or petty) you have against your soon-to-be ex-spouse – emailing or calling your lawyer everyday to vent about non-legal issues will be costly to you in increased attorneys fees. If you need a safe, healthy, and confidential space to vent, you are better served engaging the services of a psychologist, a spiritual advisor or other therapist. Lawyers are trained to deal with legal issues – they are not marriage counselors, career advisors, or psychoanalysts.

The best approach, both for clients and for attorneys, is to maintain a strictly professional relationship during the divorce process. It is inevitable that you will bond with your attorney over shared victories or defeats during the course of your case, but keep your expectations in check. If you want a cost effective and time efficient process, utilize your attorney’s services only to address your legal needs.

Hirsch Legal, LLC has an excellent record in Court and at the negotiating table – our client testimonials are a testament to the way in which we work as a team with our clients in an effort to achieve their reasonable goals.  Contact us today to schedule your free and confidential consultation with Attorney Carmina K. Hirsch (formerly Tessitore) to discuss how we can help you.
