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How To Find The Right Divorce Lawyer In Fairfield County


How do I find a good lawyer?
There are many considerations surrounding what constitutes good lawyering in a divorce case. Some people like a conciliatory approach that will wrap the case up quickly and amicably; others want a tiger in the courtroom; some may want the most famous lawyer money can buy – most prefer something in between all these options.

There are various ways to search for the divorce or family law attorney that’s the right fit for you:

1. Avvo – a search engine that rates lawyers, allows you to read their background and client testimonials.
2. Google – pulls information on attorneys in your geographic area that practice in the interest areas you need, and often include testimonials from past clients.
3. Referrals –friends, family, colleagues, and other attorneys you may have used in the past (for example for real estate transactions or personal injury cases) will be able to refer you to competent colleagues.

If you are looking for an award winning divorce or family law attorney in New Haven or Fairfield County, your search is easy. Just call the Shelton office of Hirsch Legal, LLC and ask to speak with Carmina.

Hirsch Legal, LLC prides itself on delivering updated and appropriate legal advice to our clients in Danbury, Westport, Bridgeport and other nearby communities. Our ultimate goal is to help you reach financial and/or custodial arrangements that allows you to move onto the next chapter of your life in the smoothest way possible.
