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Business Partnerships May Not Survive A Divorce—But There Are Exceptions


I don’t mind losing a spouse, but I hate the idea of splitting up a successful business partnership.

Most business partnerships between spouses will not survive a divorce, but there are plenty of exceptions to just about every rule about human behavior.

In cases where a joint business venture preceded and fostered a marriage, there may be valid reasons to keep a successful business going even when the partners no longer want to live together.

Such a situation requires extremely sensitive lawyering. A good lawyer can help you gauge whether a proposed divorce settlement maintains your ability to continue running a profitable business while divorcing your partner. Tax issues, property issues, credit issues, insurance matters and even immigration status may have a bearing on whether and how your joint business can prosper even with the dissolution of your marriage.

The primary mission of Hirsch Legal, LLC is to protect our clients’ rights in divorce and custody actions. We share your goal of achieving an optimal post-divorce arrangement, where your personal and financial viability are assured as much as humanly possible.

While we certainly do not encourage our clients to maintain or form business partnerships with their ex-spouses, we recognize that economic needs and the vagaries of personal chemistry may mean that such an arrangement is viable and perhaps even indispensable post-divorce.  Every matter we handle is unique, therefore its important that each client be honest about their desired outcomes so that strategic matters, settlements, or proposed trial orders, comport with their preferences.

Attorney Carmina Hirsch (formerly Tessitore), is widely recognized for her ability to help her clients negotiate advantageous settlements under very fraught circumstances, and prevail at trial when settlement is not possible due to unreasonable demands or conduct from the other side. If you want to figure out how you can keep your thriving company intact when your marriage is falling apart, and if our legal analysis determines that this does not harm your best interests, we can help you achieve such an outcome.

Hirsch Legal, LLC is one of Connecticut’s foremost divorce and family law practices. We serve clients throughout Fairfield County: our Shelton office is within easy driving distance of Bridgeport, Westport, Danbury and Stamford. Call today to arrange a consultation!
