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Lawyers Are Expensive—But Can Save You Time And Money


Many divorcing couples are complete newcomers to legal proceedings and hold the mistaken view that lawyers exist for the purpose of separating you from your hard-earned money.

While there is no doubt that legal services normally involve complicated or contentious matters and can therefore be expensive to access, you should not hesitate to hire a lawyer when you are facing an issue as fraught with complex law and procedure as is a divorce. In many cases, you will discover, perhaps to your surprise and delight, that a good lawyer is a careful steward of your personal and financial trust.

Hirsch Legal, LLC takes a conscientious approach to our clients’ financial situation. We counsel clients on the advantages and disadvantages of every step they seek to take, including the time and cost of same.  Proceeding through a divorce in a time and cost efficient manner to achieve our client’s reasonable goals is our mission.

Divorces that are unnecessarily litigious can bleed you dry even when the final result is a satisfactory settlement. Sometimes the mere appearance of an obviously capable attorney at a settlement negotiation can help bring matters to a close months or even years earlier than might otherwise be the case.

Every divorce matter is unique, but the same laws apply to everyone in Connecticut. When your lawyer knows the law and knows how to apply it effectively in your situation to protect your best interests, she can make unreasonable demands go away early on, thereby saving you time and money.

Some people make the mistake of thinking that their lawyer doubles as their grief counselor and psychotherapist. They forget that every phone call, meeting, or e-mail represents a portion of a billable hour. We encourage our clients not to involve us in non-legal matters (for example to use therapists to assist with emotional issues) and advise clients on how to help keep their costs down by organizing their divorce so they work efficiently with us to ensure justice is achieved in a cost-effective manner.

We strive to maximize the achievement of our client’s reasonable goals regarding any settlement or hearing or trial they may face. At the end of the process, we want you to feel that your legal team placed you in a solvent and positive position going forward as a result of our efforts. Much of our business comes from client referrals, we pride ourselves on serving our clients in an expeditious and cost-effective manner.

If you live in Fairfield or New Haven County and are facing legal issues related to divorce or family matters, your first call should be to Hirsch Legal, LLC. We are a boutique firm that offers legal services in family and divorce proceedings at affordable rates. Our Shelton office is located within easy driving distance of Stamford, Bridgeport, Westport, Danbury, Milford, New Haven, and other surrounding communities.
