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Special Needs Children & Divorce In Fairfield County, CT


I have a “special needs” child. How can my lawyer help me ensure his or her medical and educational needs will be provided for after my divorce?

Caring for disabled children or children with learning disabilities can be very stressful, and an at times be a contributing factor leading to the breakdown of a marriage. If maintaining continuity of medical coverage and services for your child, and/or ensuring adequate educational support, is an important priority for you, you and your legal advisor need to make sure the Court takes your child’s situation properly into account when reviewing any proposed divorce settlement.

The State of Connecticut takes the rights of dependent children very seriously. Your spouse cannot simply abandon you and your disabled child to the tender mercies of the state without a second thought.

In cases where there is a contestd custody matter, or a concern about a child’s well-being, the Court may appoint a guardian ad litem or even require that a minor child (of certain age and maturity) be represented by his/her own attorney. In cases where there are grounds to suspect verbal, emotional, or physical child abuse, the Court will require an investigation.

Your divorce lawyer is your advocate before the Court, not only in ensuring that financial assets/debts are fairly divided among the parties and that each parent has adequate parenting access, but also in ensuring that the Court recognizes the importance of keeping a special needs child in line with their course of treatment and services.

Accommodating or treating special needs can be extraordinarily expensive. Perhaps a child needs costly surgery or requires live-in nursing care. Do not neglect to inform your lawyer about the details of your child’s needs, both present and anticipated, so that she in turn can advocate effectively on the child’s behalf before the Court.

Attorney Carmina Hirsch is one of Connecticut’s leading divorce and family law attorneys. She knows the requirements not only of Connecticut family law, but also of Fairfield County courtroom practices. You and your child will have a champion fighting for your and their best interests in court.

If you live in Fairfield County, and your divorce case is complicated by the fact that you are caring for a special needs child, you should consult with Hirsch Legal, LLC for top-shelf legal advice on how to manage your divorce in order to ensure the best possible outcome for both you and your child.
