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Can a Divorce Lawyer Help Me Catch My Cheating Spouse?


Can A Divorce Lawyer Help Me Catch My Cheating Spouse?

“Can a divorce lawyer help me catch my cheating spouse in the act?”

Generally speaking, people who seek a consultation with a divorce lawyer have already been served with a divorce pleading or are thinking of serving their spouse. People who think they might benefit by professional help to prevent divorce look to marriage counselors or clinical psychologists before seeking a consult with a divorce attorney.

In cases where the desire to seek a divorce is driven by suspicion that one’s partner has been cheating with another person or has been spending marital assets on illicit personal pleasures, many people try to go it alone. They sneak into their husband’s computer or rifle through their wife’s purse looking for the tell-tale sign that confirms their suspicions. In extreme cases, a wife may ask her best friend to try to seduce her husband to see what his reaction is; or a husband may install a bug on the phone so he can listen in on his wife’s phone conversations. Taking steps such as this can easily backfire, often in unpredictable and dangerous ways.

If you find yourself so driven by suspicion and anxiety that you are thinking about skirting the law to get to the bottom of your marital problems, you may be best advised to consult with a divorce attorney about how to resolve your dilemmas without getting on the wrong side of the law. You may be legally married, but this doesn’t mean that you have carte blanche to violate your spouse’s privacy and legal rights with impunity.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, serving Fairfield County and New Haven County, Connecticut, not only knows the limits of what you can do legally and how to stay within the law when attempting to confirm your suspicions, we also have access to research tools and private investigators that may help you ferret out such things like previous undisclosed marriages; the hiding of assets; criminal records; asset liens and default judgements; name changes; real estate holdings and business entities registered under your spouse’s name. Love can be blind, and many people may fall victim to con artists or financial swindlers. Knowing whether you are married to such a person may be quite important to your ultimate well-being and future financial security.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, after reviewing your grounds for suspicion, may recommend hiring a private investigator to look into some of the leads you provide. We have experience working with some of Connecticut’s leading private investigatory firms who can handle such assignments with tact and urgency.

Our purpose is to provide you with legal advice that will help you defend your rights and interests, not to push you in a direction you don’t want to go. If you feel your marriage has gone wrong because of something your spouse is concealing from you, we can help you take steps to allay those concerns, and/or to act on them if you have reached the point of no return and divorce is the only option.

We Serve Clients in Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Alimony, Same Sex Marriage, Legal Separation, Mediation, Modification, Contempt, and Post-Judgment Matters.

Serving Ansonia, Milford, Waterbury, Bridgeport, Fairfield, New Haven, Stamford, Connecticut.
