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Divorce Lawyer & Pre-Nuptial Agreements In Connecticut


“Why should I waste money on a divorce lawyer? We signed an iron-clad pre-nuptial agreement.”

There is rarely an iron-clad pre-nuptial agreement. If a judge finds that one party was coerced into signing such an agreement, or that the agreement is not fair or contrary to public policy, or is not in accordance with Connecticut law, or has been superseded by later agreements between the parties, you may find that what you thought was certain is not.

Hirsch Legal, LLC has advised clients on litigated and mediated matters where parties entered into pre-nuptial agreements prior to marriage.  These agreements generally confer responsibilities as well as rights on both parties.

Many pre-nuptial agreements are written to cover financial arrangements between the spouses, but make scant provisions for how to deal with children or children’s financial needs that are born issue of the marriage. If a judge feels that a pre-nuptial agreement is not fair to a couple’s children, orders could be issued by the court that you did not anticipate.

Divorce court can be an unpredictable environment for both parties. Even if you feel that your potential damages or rewards are exhaustively covered by your pre-nuptial agreement, it remains the case that you may have very little to lose and possibly much to gain by consulting with an experienced divorce law attorney, such as Attorney Carmina K. Hirsch (formerly Tessitore), who can advise you on areas where you may be exposed.

After reviewing your pre-nuptial agreement, and vetting all discovery documents disclosed, you and your attorney can develop a strategy to minimize areas in which you are exposed and maximize areas wherein your spouse is.

In a matter as important as ending your marriage and splitting the marital estate, giving in to all demands from your spouse without legal representation is not in your best interests. You worked hard to reach this point in your life; we will work just as hard to help you ensure that your divorce ends in a manner that achieves your reasonable goals. There is a new chapter waiting for you on the other side.

We Serve Clients in Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Alimony, Same Sex Marriage, Legal Separation, Mediation, Modification, Contempt, and Post-Judgment Matters.

Serving Ansonia, Milford, Waterbury, Bridgeport, Fairfield, New Haven, Stamford, Connecticut.
