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Building New Bridges And Walls


If you’re like most people, nothing in your life to now has even slightly prepared you for the agonies of the divorce process. Even if your case doesn’t go all the way to trial, you will be faced with a long series of grueling and lonely days of calculations, investigation, document collection, and preparation. The wheels of justice grind slowly and a few weeks can seem like years as you mull over the answers to your spouse’s voluminous motions and discovery requests.

You will need to develop resilience at a time when your walls of emotional support are lying around you in ruins. During the discovery phase of a divorce proceeding, you need to be cautious of who are your true friends and who are your enemies. It is not unheard of for a spouse to cajole your best friend (now his or her secret lover) to prod you for information that will later be used as evidence that would be deeply embarrassing or even incriminating in Court. You need to have your guard up at all times on the off chance the pizza delivery boy or the babysitter is actually a spy for your once-better half.

You may need your own spies (“research assistants”) and reliable friendly witnesses, so it is important to avoid burning bridges as much as possible, whether with your in-laws or your own circle of family and friends; while at the same time maintaining a sense of reserve and decorum about the information you share with even your most trusted confidants.

Consulting with a well-qualified divorce lawyer is the first step toward learning how to build and maintain the alliances you will need during the long period from filing to final settlement. Your lawyer can help make you aware of possible fishing expeditions by false friends, while also advising you on proper demeanor during the negotiation period with your spouse.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, based in Shelton, Connecticut, is well-known for their experience and creativity in divorce and family law matters. We serve clients in New Haven and throughout Fairfield County (Milford, Bridgeport, Danbury, Waterbury). Our principal attorney, Carmina K. Hirsch, is a highly-skilled negotiator and advocate who is extremely sensitive to all the games that may be engaged in by the other side, and who has a few strategies of her own that may help you fortify your case by helping you solidify your alliance structure while defending your flank from all directions. We are waiting for your call!
