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Divorce Can Be Tough On Your Kids


Divorce is difficult for everyone, but many people fail to take into account what serious emotional and even physical problems divorce can cause for children. While your lawyer’s primary job is to get you to a fair settlement, experienced divorce lawyers can also offer valuable advice that may help you help your children from becoming casualties of the bad blood between you and your spouse.

Many children blame themselves when their parents get a divorce. Others develop a life-long hatred for the parent whom they feel is abandoning the family. All this emotional chaos often takes its toll not only at school, where a straight-A dream student suddenly becomes the class troublemaker, but also on the streets of our communities, where young teens turn to alcoholism, drugs, promiscuity and even prostitution or suicide as a means of punishing themselves or their parents for what they see as their ruined lives.

Children in our New Haven and Fairfield County communities often carry heavy academic and extracurricular or athletic loads. When Daddy or Mommy is no longer available to take her to soccer practice or to SAT prep, your child’s academic future may suddenly turn from promising to bleak, a situation that can easily cascade into delinquency and/or future under-employment or even long-term unemployability.

New Haven and Fairfield County are well-endowed with support structures for at-risk youth. Hirsch Legal, LLC can help direct you to some of the resources – psychological counseling, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs, sexual and family planning advice and information, scholarship programs and mentoring activities that can help you steer your child in the right direction at a time of family crisis.

Don’t assume that your kids are tough-skinned and super-resilient just because they aren’t crying every day. Give them the love and support they need to make it through this process with little collateral damage. When you negotiate a settlement, you need to do your level best to ensure that your children’s immediate and future needs are taken into consideration.

Hirsch Legal LLC serves clients throughout New Haven and Fairfield County. Our offices in Shelton are a short ride away from Milford, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Danbury, and surrounding towns. Carmina K. Hirsch, our principal attorney, has helped hundreds of people reach fair and reasonable settlements that provide adequate support for Connecticut children and teens. Call for a consultation today!
