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Who Gets Fido? Advice From A Shelton, Westport, Stamford, Milford, And New Haven, Connecticut Divorce Lawyer


Sorting out child custody issues can be difficult, but sometimes the most contentious custody battles are over pets and other animals. For many people the family dog or cat is like a child. In certain citiesa prized animal may be a show horse or a racehorse, which aside from sentimental value, carry significant financial value as well.

If your pet or show animal is important to you, make sure you are well-represented in your divorce case and that you disclose this information to your attorney right from the beginning, ideally on your intake form and at your consultation.

Dogs and other animals are generally regarded as maritalpersonal property. If your spouse wants to play hardball, he or she may demand that your thoroughbred stud or pure-bred poodle be sold and the proceeds divided as appropriate.  Pet plans can be crafted in a situation where both spouses wish to share the pet post-divorce – similar to a visitation schedule.  Alternatively, failure to account for your animal may leave you without recourse post-divorce, as the court loses jurisdiction over personal property at the time of judgment.

Our principal attorney, Carmina K. Hirsch, Esq., will do her level best to ensure that your legal rights are protected. If maintaining ownership or regular access to your animal(s) is important to you, she will take steps to help you prevail on this issue.

Hirsch Legal, LLC is a family and divorce law firm in Connecticut. We serve clients in New Haven and Fairfield County (Danbury, Bridgeport, Westport, Stamford, Milford, New Haven, Waterbury, and surrounding towns). Whether you prefer to litigate or mediate your divorce, we are ideally equipped to handle your case.
