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Stress Management During Your Divorce In Fairfield County, Connecticut (CT)


Going through a divorce is one of the most traumatic events in a person’s life. Rather than giving in to depression, or indulging in sugar highs and alcohol addiction, this is a good time to take positive steps to enhance your mood and increase your self-confidence.

You will learn a lot during your divorce process: things like how to prepare for a deposition, how to understand financial statements and appraisals, and to what lengths your spouse and his or her legal team will go to present you in the worst possible light.

No lawyer would recommend letting your guard down or slacking off during this critical time. There is no way around it: you will have to devote significant time and effort to helping us prepare and defend your case.

That said, it is unhealthy to spend 24 hours a day wallowing in the minutiae of divorce preparation. For the sake of your physical and mental health, you should take some time to do and learn things that will benefit you now and in the future.

Challenge yourself physically and mentally. Take up judo, aikido, pilates, weight lifting, ballet, tennis or (best of all) golf. If you don’t know how to do these things, take a class.  If you’ve always wanted to learn how to ride a horse, there is no time like the present.

Reading is a great way to distract yourself from your marital problems. Read something worthwhile and difficult: Ulysses, War and Peace and Remembrance of Things Past are great choices. Reading history can be a great way to escape your present-day troubles: Max Hastings’ war narratives make compelling reading. You might also try Ian Stewart’s math puzzle books or read Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku or Brian Greene on cosmology and physics. If you have time and energy, take a college course at your local community college or online. Learn Chinese or Spanish or French.

We also encourage clients to seek therapeutic and holistic treatments to help cope with the stressors of divorce.

Keeping active (physically and mentally) will pay great dividends both now and in your life post-divorce. The nature of the divorce process is that there will be stretches of time where it will feel like nothing is happening, followed by frenetic bursts of activity to meet urgent Court deadlines. Time management skills and grace under pressure are very useful attributes in this situation!

Hirsch Legal LLC, a divorce and family law practice based in Shelton, Connecticut, offers mediation and litigation services for people seeking divorce in Connecticut, focusing mainly in New Haven and Fairfield County (Westport, Bridgeport, Milford, Waterbury, Danbury and Stamford). Our principal attorney, Carmina K. Hirsch, Esq., as demonstrated by numerous awards and accolades from her peers and satisfied clients, has been recognizedas one of the state’s leading family and divorce attorneys. We will not only defend your rights; we will also do our best to ensure that you come out of this experience stronger and more confident than ever!
