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I Want A Divorce, But I Can’T Afford To Hire A Lawyer


Medical care is expensive, but people who have life-threatening illnesses are ill-advised to skip preventive care or treatment because of the cost. Similarly, skimping on legal fees might save you a few dollars now, but not knowing how the process works can be fatal to your chances of ending up in a good place post-settlement.

Divorce and family laws are not designed to apply only to people who have tons of disposable income to spend on legal fees. At Hirsch Legal LLC, we serve clients from across the socio-economic spectrum as it exists in Fairfield and New Haven County. For those who can afford it, and who face a disgruntled or angry spouse determined to oppose their every motion, we naturally recommend that they retain our services in order to enforce and defend their rights in Court.

We fully recognize that not everyone is in a position where they can afford full legal representation.  We offer a range of services to fit your needs, including limited representation and review counsel (or legal coaching).

In cases where both parties wish to conserve finances and reach an amicable conclusion, we offer the very cost-effective option of divorce mediation. The advantage to selecting mediation under the auspices of a licensed attorney is that we are familiar with how a judge might view any potential settlement and work with you to ensure all paperwork required by the court is appropriately filled out and filed. If the two of you are basically in agreement with regard to matters such as child custody and division of assets/debts, we are usually able to help you craft a settlement in fairly short order.

Getting yourself on the right track to successful navigation of the divorce process means arranging for a consultation at the earliest possible stage. If you are considering divorce or suspect that your spouse may be about to serve you, and you’ve resided in the State of Connecticut for at least one year, we hope your first thought will be to call Hirsch Legal LLC for a consultation with Carmina Hirsch, our principal attorney, who is widely recognized as a distinguished and well respected divorce attorney. From our offices in Shelton, we serve clients throughout New Haven and upper Fairfield County. We are just a short drive away from Danbury, Milford, Bridgeport and Waterbury.
