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I’M In The Mood For Love—But Not My Spouse


The ways of the universe and of a marriage are sometimes inscrutable, even when all parties obey all the requirements of ritual, vows, and dedication.

While you may be giving your marriage everything you have, your spouse may not want any of it. Whether you have grown apart because of a secret addiction or just because you now like different music than you liked 20 years ago, there often comes a point at which no veil of illusion can cover your disappointment and rage over the lost opportunity your fractured marriage now represents.

Sometimes a marriage can be salvaged, most often by the simple expedient of opening an honest dialogue with your spouse, whether by bluntly confessing your lapse in judgment or your disappointment, or by going through a few sessions of couples’ therapy. Sadly, there are times in life when you have to cut your losses and turn to a new page.

While you may have a lot of love to give, you may at the same time be married to someone whom you find impossible to love. Once you’ve reached the painful conclusion that your marriage is over and has broken down irretrievably, you owe it to yourself and also to your spouse to figure out whether and how best to dissolve your marriage.

Going to a divorce lawyer may seem like a drastic step, but waiting until the two of you come to blows is hardly a better course of action.

Consulting with a lawyer is something you can do without alerting your spouse, and the earlier in the process you explore your legal options and your responsibilities under Connecticut law, the more likely you are to be pleased with the ultimate outcome of your divorce.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, based in Shelton, Connecticut, serves clients in New Haven and throughout Fairfield County, includingWestport, Bridgeport, Milford, Waterbury, Danbury, Stamford and surrounding areas. Our principal attorney, Carmina Hirsch, is ahighly skilled and well respected divorce lawyer. She will honor your trust and her ethical duties by keeping your consultation confidential and work with you when you are ready to take action, whether that means suing for divorce and/or pursuing an alternative dispute resolution method to resolve your matter.

It is your call whether to stay in a broken marriage or to end it. Whatever you choose to do, we will support you and defend your rights vigorously, as we do our level best to provide you with legal information, advice and strategy that leads to a fair and equitable solution to your case.
