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Reasons For Divorces In The Fall


If spring is for lovers, is fall the season for divorce?

Fall is typically the busiest and most exciting time of the year:the kids are back in school; the final quarter of the fiscal work year is imminent; football is back; and holidays abound. Unfortunately, the chill in the air often carries over to fraying marriages. May-December romances reach their conclusion, and a once-doting spousemay balk at private school tuition bills.

Whether a divorce is your worst nightmare or a desperately desired deliverance to freedom, the one constant in your life over the next year or two will be a need for competent legal advice. For many people, the divorce process is one of the greatest challenges they will ever have to face.

Your choice of legal advisor will have an enormous impact on your ability to recover your equilibrium and your ability to think reasonably and rationally at a time when your varying emotions could cause missteps that can resultin long-term disaster.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, based in Shelton, serves clients in New Haven and throughout Fairfield County (New Haven, Hamden, Waterbury, Danbury, Milford, Ansonia, Bridgeport, Westport, Stamford). Our principal attorney, Carmina K. Hirsch, has prepared and guided clients through divorce court with strength and compassion. She is also a firm believer in divorce mediation, which can be a very efficient, cost-effective solution for couples who have not reached the nth degree of acrimony, and who have the ability and intention to reach an amicable settlement.

Whatever your circumstances, if you have legal issues related to divorce and child custody, we are here to serve you.
