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There’s Really No “Good” Time To Ask For A Divorce


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is rumored to have told his wife he wanted a divorce as she was recovering in the hospital from a cancer operation. Many other husbands and wives have left their spouses at the first sign of chronic illness or financial hardship.

Regardless of whether you are healthy or wealthy, hearing your spouse say, “I want a divorce” is never easy. You may have just accepted a job where your spouse wanted to live, and where you absolutely don’t want to live without him/her. You may now have to think about whether your child will have to turn down Brown’s early decision offer in favor of MSU or UConn.

Regardless of how bad the timing is, there is no guarantee that things can’t get even worse. You need to think clearly and make the right decisions early on to secure a financially and personally stablefooting for the future. Sticking your head in the sandor turning to substances like alcohol and cannabis to cope likely won’t solve your problems. What could start turning the train around is competent legal advice.

How you react to the demand for a divorce is extremely critical: pick up the phone or utilize the contact form on our website to contact Hirsch Legal, LLC to schedule your consultation. Carmina K. Hirsch, our principal attorney, is an experienced advocate in  helping clients obtain fair and equitable financial and child custody settlements. She can assess the strengths and weaknesses of your position, and then work with you on a strategy to maximize the former and minimize the latter.There will be due process of law, due diligence, and plenty of time to weigh and discuss the issues between you and your spouse, and the options on how to resolve them.

Hirsch Legal LLC serves clients in New Haven and Fairfield County (Stamford, Bridgeport, Westport, Danbury, Waterbury, Milford, Ansonia). Our Shelton offices are just a few minutes away. Call for an appointment today!
