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Can We Speed Up/Slow Down Our Divorce?


Everyone who believed that we live in an orderly world has been forced to rethink that proposition as of late. Many things we used to take for granted, such as picking up the kids from school, stopping for a drink at the pub on a Friday afternoon, and watching the stock market indexes rise steadily and inexorably increase, has now been temporarily, and for some potentially extended period of time, altered.

Is this really the best time to sell the family house? Do I really want to separate from my children at a time when the widespread practice of “social distancing” may mean I don’t get to see them again for a year or more? Do I really want to be back on the dating scene when everybody needs to stay at least six feet apart?

On the other hand, there may be more pressure to come to a settlement after you or your spouse is laid off from work, or if the enforced quarantine at home has you constantly at each other’s throats.

Dragging out a divorce process sometimes occurs due to a variety of factors, such as discovery completion or evaluation timeframes; speeding things up often means making concessions that ordinarily may not be advisable.

Once your case has been assigned to a judge, that judge will have tremendous power over the pace of your case; if you mutually decide to seek divorce mediation, you would have considerably more power to change the tempo of the negotiations, but you still need to be very careful not to gum up the works so much that things break down completely, and you end up in an even more adversarial situation back in court. These matters of timing and tempo can be very delicate and must be handled with professionalism and sensitivity.

Hirsch Legal, LLC has advised clients on how to properly prosecute or defend a divorce matter; we have considerable experience representing people in contested matters including custody and financial disputes.  Equally so, we are trained, efficient, and capable divorce mediators and/or serve as review counsel when clients select an alternative dispute resolution option. We serve clients throughout New Haven and upper Fairfield County. Our principal attorney, Carmina Hirsch, is experienced and well respected among her clients and peers. Our number one goal is client satisfaction, which we achieve by making sure your rights are protected in what can be a very tough process even when not facing a global pandemic.

If you live in towns surrounding New Haven, Milford, Trumbull, Waterbury, Danbury, and Bridgeport and are facing legal issues related to a divorce or family court matter, we hope you will make us your first call!
