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Poker Face


Divorce is a highly personal and deeply emotional experience, but the legal aspects of a divorce trial or mediation are best described as a business transaction that requires a professional attitude and a cool demeanor.

A dispassionate recital of the sordid facts of your spouse’s behavior carries far more weight with a judge or mediator than an emotional tirade. Let your lawyer speak for you as much as possible.

While certain communications regarding matters such as bills that need to be paid or visitation schedules cannot be avoided, don’t let yourself be dragged into long conversations about settlement issues when your lawyer is not present.

In court, or in the mediation conference room, you may find yourself triggered by your spouse’s false or exaggerated statements. Don’t take the bait. When it is your turn to speak, stay on message and refrain from shouting or eye rolling or rude gestures.

Prepare carefully for your depositions. Make sure you review your case paperwork carefully, so that there are no misrepresentations or serious omissions in papers submitted to the Court. Make sure your lawyer is armed with plenty of ammunition when it is your turn to depose your spouse and other material witnesses.

When court is in session, keep your cards close and show your best poker face. Divorce court judges are busy people who often have to endure a great deal of unsavory behavior and unseemly bickering among the parties and their respective lawyers. Decorous behavior in the courtroom may not be enough to make the judge “like” you enough to award you a lopsided settlement; but rude behavior or gratuitous nasty comments will certainly not work in your favor.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, a top-tier divorce firm based in Shelton, Connecticut, serves clients in New Haven and throughout upper Fairfield County (Westport, Bridgeport, Danbury, Monroe, Milford, Trumbull). Our principal attorney, Carmina Hirsch, is experienced at preparing clients for arriving at an equitable divorce settlement. If divorce is your only option we are here to help. Call us today for a consultation.
