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Innovative Divorce In Westport, Bridgeport, Milford, Danbury, Stamford, Waterbury


A generation or two ago, a $5 haircut involving a pair of scissors, a water spritzer and hair dye was a popular way to spend a Saturday afternoon. Today, styling your hair might set you back $300, perhaps more, depending on whether you’re willing to spring for the pre-cut rinse and neck massage. Dermatologists’ offices have undergone similar dramatic transformations. The menu of services at even the most bare-bones clinic nowadays includes such things as cryogenic lesion removal, Mediterranean mud washes, Botox, and dozens of doctor-approved skin products. Dentists are no longer drone-like cavity fillers; dentists even in rural hamlets now advertise implants, sleep apnea treatments, and much, much more.

Lawyers are no less entrepreneurial and innovative than barbers, beauticians and dentists. Connecticut divorce lawyers are at the very forefront of changing legal norms.

Legal advertising methods are just the tip of the iceberg: many of our fellow Fairfield residents pick their lawyers on the basis of TV appearance, radio shows, blogs and Ted-like talks live on social media or on the Internet.

The most notable change in family law practice has been the dramatic migration from the courtroom to the conference room/mediation center. Some divorce mediations even incorporate such things as mindfulness coaching, yoga instruction, life coaching therapy, online financial seminars, substance abuse counseling, job retraining, and emotional support dogs.

Hirsch Legal LLC doesn’t feature dogs (yet!), but we pride ourselves as being among the most flexible, innovative, versatile, and holistic family law practices in the region. We offer a full range of services that includes traditional representation, mediation, review counsel and legal coaching services, mediation support and related matters. Our principal attorney, Carmina Hirsch, is up to speed on all the latest divorce options and support services available. Whether you need a top-notch appraiser, psychological or emotional counseling, insurance and financial advice, investigative services, a meditation coach, or the best hairstylist in Connecticut to make you look your best for your day in court, we can make the referrals you need for any of the essentials we don’t provide in-house.

If you live in New Haven or Fairfield County (Bridgeport, Milford, Waterbury, Westport, Danbury, Stamford), and you are facing a divorce or family law issue, give us a call today!
