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Divorce Prevention


Most people who cross the threshold of a divorce lawyer’s office are highly motivated to get a divorce, but some are naturally torn over what can be a very difficult decision. Some clients feel their marriages would be wonderful, if only certain problems could be put away in a box.

Whether the problem is a spendthrift husband, a wife with a wandering eye, or opposing views on the subject of child rearing, it is often possible to resolve such issues by means other than divorce or family court.

Most commonly, particularly when discussion of problems in a marriage has become mutually disagreeable and unproductive, couples resort to counseling. Marriage counseling is almost always advisable before pulling the trigger for divorce, particularly if children are implicated in the decision.

If the problem is with a particular aspect of the relationship or family dynamics, there are plenty of specialized dispensers of advice and comfort who might provide more effective treatment, without giving rise to the feeling that your marriage hangs in the balance. Whether your confidant of choice is a friend, spiritual advisor, clinical psychologist, child psychologist, financial advisor, or personal trainer, creating a self-improvement program or making the effort to show your concern for your partner’s well-being can go a long way toward resolving marital conflict.

When counseling fails to achieve the results you hoped for, it would be foolish not to visit a legal advisor to explore your dwindling chances of maintaining a successful marriage. It would also be foolish to think that exploring your legal options closes the door on any chance of staying married if that’s what you really want.

Sometimes one spouse may threaten another with divorce out of frustration or out of anger, but without any genuine appreciation of the modalities and consequences of the divorce process. Once you have remedied your own ignorance of what the divorce process entails, you will be better equipped to deliver the final warning that turns around your lives for the better.

At Hirsch Legal, LLC, we strive to be responsive to client needs. We don’t view our job as talking you into or out of divorce; rather, we want to arm you with the knowledge and legal tools you need to achieve your goals. If you are convinced that a problem can be isolated and managed, we can help you design a plan and reach agreement that covers your most serious concerns, thereby salvaging your marriage if possible. If your spouse fails to live up to the terms of your agreement, and a divorce cannot be avoided, we are fully equipped to help you with next steps to achieve a fair divorce settlement.

Hirsch Legal, LLC, based in Shelton, serves clients in New Haven and upper Fairfield County (Danbury, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Milford). If you are in need of legal advice on a divorce or child custody matter, we are here for you!
